
We are committed to the highest standards of corporate governance

The Board of Directors is committed to maintaining appropriate standards of corporate governance and has decided to apply the 2018 Quoted Companies Alliance Corporate Governance Code (the “QCA Code”).

Details of how the Company complies with the QCA Code are set out in the Chairman’s Corporate Governance Statement below.

The Company’s shares were admitted to trading on AIM on 25 June 2019 and I am pleased to report to shareholders on the ways in which we comply with the QCA’s Corporate Governance Code (the “QCA Code”), the corporate governance code adopted by the Board of Directors in compliance with AIM Rule 26.

Further corporate governance disclosures are detailed in the Company’s Annual Report for the year ending 31 December 2023 (the “2023 Annual Report”).


Role of the Chairman


The Board as a whole is responsible for effective corporate governance. As Chairman of the Board, I have overall responsibility for the corporate governance arrangements of the Company in addition to ensuring that corporate governance arrangements are fully adopted within the Company.

In addition, my role as Chairman is to lead and supervise the Board, ensuring its smooth running and the effective contribution of all Board members, and to ensure that the Board is properly enabled and resourced to be in control of the business.


Strategy and business model


Information about the Company’s business can be found here. Further information relating to the Company’s purpose, business model and strategy and key challenges in the execution of the Company’s strategy are included in our 2023 Annual Report.


Relations with shareholders


Both I and the Senior Independent Director are responsible for shareholder liaison and, joined by the Executive Directors, have regular dialogue with institutional investors, particularly following the publication of interim and full year results.

Private shareholders are encouraged to attend the Annual General Meeting at which the Group’s activities are considered and questions answered. Any material presented (including the results of shareholder votes) are uploaded to the Company’s website. Annual Reports are included on the Company’s website and press releases together with other information about the Company are available here.

The Board has reported on the implementation of its approach to shareholder engagement in the 2023 Annual Report. It also includes reports from me as well as the Chairmen of the Board Committees and describes their roles and the work undertaken during the year.


Stakeholder and social responsibilities


The Group’s key stakeholders (other than its shareholders, whom I have addressed above), are considered to be both the Group’s staff and its client base. The Group is committed to client focussed outcomes and believes that long term client relationships benefit the client, the Group and its staff. Client feedback is best monitored by repeat business and sustained relationships. The Group engages with staff through the year and during its staff feedback cycle to ensure that it continues to operate a fair and productive working environment for all staff. Further information is available in the 2023 Annual Report. Social inclusion and taking a medium-term view in its development in all aspects of the business will be keynotes of our Company’s progress and reputation.


Risk Management


The Directors are responsible for establishing and maintaining the Company’s system of internal control and reviewing its effectiveness. The Company’s key risks were set out in its admission document (available here). The Argentex Executive Committee (overseen by the Board which will approve or reject its recommendations) have agreed the Group’s strategy and approved risk appetite, policies and procedures and any delegation of functions internally or externally. They also monitor the risk management profile, capital and liquidity positions. Additional information about the Company’s approach to risk management is set out in the 2023 Annual Report.


The Board


The Board is responsible for leading and managing the Company which it does by reserving matters for board approval and delegating certain decisions to management. A summary of the matters reserved for the Board can be found here. The Board as a whole, in conjunction with the Nominations Committee, is responsible for further recruitment and succession planning. New appointments are agreed by the Board with input from all parties robustly challenged, including Independent parties and the NOMAD.

The Board is comprised of the Chairman, the Chief Executive Officer, the Chief Financial Officer, one non-independent Non-executive Director and three independent Non-executive Directors. The Company has established an Audit and Risk Committee, a Nominations Committee and a Remuneration Committee. Details of these committees can be found below.

The 2023 Annual Report includes the time commitment of, and the number of Board and Committee meetings attended by, the Directors.




The Board has an appropriate balance of skills and experience, as well as an appropriate balance of personal qualities and capabilities. Details of each Director including their experience and employment history can be found here. The Board considers that fundamental to its success is an Executive function with significant experience in financial markets and with recognised accountancy qualifications and sufficient experience post-qualification. The Non-executive Directors are required to have a strong background in business, with complementary skills across finance, financial services and the listed business environment.

The 2023 Annual Report includes information about how the skillsets of the Directors remain up to date, how the Company approaches succession planning and information relating to external advisers.


Board performance


The Board intends to undertake a formal review of its performance during the 2024 financial year, with details of the review, its findings and the resulting actions agreed by the Board being published in in the Company’s Annual Report for the year ending 31 December 2024.


Ethical values and behaviours


The Directors have responsibility for ensuring that individuals employed by the Group demonstrate the highest levels of integrity and conduct, which will be communicated by the Chairman’s statement. Management undertake reviews of its employees regularly, both informally and in formal appraisals. The Group has policies for Training and Competence, Anti-corruption and Bribery and a Share Dealing Code.

The Board reviews the culture within the Company within each financial year and provides an update to shareholders in the Annual Report.


Governance structure and processes


There is a clear division of responsibilities between the Chairman, who is responsible for supervising the Board, and the Chief Executive Officer, who are responsible for managing the Company on the Board’s behalf.

The Company has established an Audit & Risk Committee, a Nominations Committee and a Remuneration Committee. These committees meet as required during each financial year. Details of the committees can be found here.

The Board intends to keep its corporate governance framework under review. Any changes to the corporate governance framework will be reported to shareholders in the Company’s Annual Report.

If anyone would like to discuss any aspects of this Letter, I would be delighted to meet or speak with them. This continues to be an exciting time for our Company but it would be nothing without its Shareholders, Clients and its People and I welcome them all as Argentex Group Plc.


Nigel Railton
Last updated 6th January 2025

Board of Directors

Nigel Railton

Nigel Railton

Non-Executive Chairman
Jim Ormonde

Jim Ormonde

Chief Executive Officer
Jonathan Gray

Jonathan Gray

Senior Independent Non-Executive Director
Digby Jones

Lord Digby Jones Kb.

Independent Non-Executive Director
Henry Beckwith

Henry Beckwith

Non-Executive Director
Tim Haldenby

Tim Haldenby

Independent Non-Executive Director
Guy Rudolph, CFO

Guy Rudolph

Chief Financial Officer
Rina Ladva

Rina Ladva

Independent Non-Executive Director

Executive leadership team

Jim Ormonde

Jim Ormonde

Chief Executive Officer
Guy Rudolph, CFO

Guy Rudolph

Chief Financial Officer
Tim Rudman

Tim Rudman

Chief Operating Officer
David Winney

David Winney

Chief Compliance & Risk Officer
Daniel Ross

Daniel Ross

Chief Commercial Officer
Chrissie Humphrey

Chrissie Humphrey​

Chief People Officer