For most CFOs and finance teams, FX is not a major priority and is often seen as ‘noise’ or a distraction from bigger issues – until it goes wrong.

Download our research report with comprehensive insights from over 500 finance leaders across the UK, France, Spain, Canada and Australia investigating the impact and management of currency risk in their organisations. Offering practical takeaways you can implement within your currency risk management strategy, this report explores:

  • How much visibility CFOs have on currency exposure and strategies to reduce the impact on balance sheets
  • The true costs of FX hedging and ways to streamline currency risk management
  • Outsourcing: does it solve the problem or add more complexity?

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Global insights include:

  • 62% of those interviewed had to report unbudgeted currency impact on their balance sheet to their boards last year
  • 51% cited visibility of risk as their biggest challenge
  • 89% were using at least two or three different FX providers

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To find out how Argentex can help manage your currency risk, email [email protected].

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